Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Update on the mailbox

I just picked up new keys to a new mailbox. Not all the mail in there was ours, so I'm really hoping they didn't assign us someone else's mail box who is still using it and change their locks like they did ours originally. We shall see. The new mailbox is not in order of our condo units so I'm skeptical. At least we are getting mail again right?


  1. well was SOME of the mail yours? I hope the saga has ended but it sound like you won't know for sure! did you have to pay anything??

  2. Yes a lot of it was ours. Some wasn't even from our complex address so not sure what's up with that. No thank goodness we didn't have a pay a dime!

  3. That is really unusual. I am glad you talked to the gal who did it. I too hope they aren't doubling you up with someone else now. That would not be good at all. I might seek a place to register a formal complaint. You resided there first and deserve to have your original box that is in the order of your condo unit.
