Friday, December 11, 2009

Have Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas

After Jonathan and I got moved in to our new home (and by moved in I mean our boxes were there), I told him that it would be ok if we didn't really do Christmas decoration and that I doubted I'd even want to with all the other decorating we had to do.

HA!!! Yeah right. I fooled myself even.

Needless to say that thought didn't last very long and we now have a few Christmas decorations.

My parents gave us a tree that was my grandmother Dixie's. It is old and on a wooden stand but very sturdy, and quite real looking actually. It's the perfect size and looks wonderful in our living room.

Upon hearing that we may not be decorating for Christmas, Stephanie said that was nonsense and that when she and David came down to visit she would help me decorate. So, naturally I had to go buy Christmas ornaments for the tree I now had so that we could indeed decorate. I decided to do sort of traditional colors, but use silver instead of gold since that is what the metal in our house is mostly. is the tree!

This is the amazing, beautiful tree topping bow that Stephanie handmade!! She is incredible.

These little white birds are just beautiful and were also my grandmother Dixie's. There are probably 20 or so of them and they look so sweet on our tree.

Then here are the ornaments we were given for our wedding.

This is the one little souvenir I bought in Hawaii. I Kissing Hula Couple!

Our stockings

Decorations elsewhere in the house.

Our Simple Christmas Bedding. Our normal bedding is a busy brown and ivory paisley print, so for Christmas I changed it to a clean white with the softest brown fur throw from my mother and a simple red pillow that I added some ribbon and berries to.

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