Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Communication is Key

Only a little over 2 weeks into marriage and I'm learning even more how communication is the key. Now deep communication of course is key, but today I'm talking about basic human needs communication.

Take this for example...

Last week I was at dinner with my husband and his mother after helping her put up some Christmas decorations and I just mentioned that we had a lot to do around the house including laundry. Immediately the first thing out of Jonathan's mouth is, "yeah we do need to do laundry because I've been wearing my boxers over again."

What? Really? He didn't tell me he needed laundry done. Not that he can't do it himself...but still. I want to be good at this housekeeping thing. Not to mention that he tells me this in front of my mother in law who is a wonderful housekeeper along with my mother. I have a lot to live up to, but also good examples of how its supposed to be done. Maybe a maid is in our future. :)

Needless to say, I've done laundry now and he has clean clothes and undergarments. Hopefully we'll be better about this going forward.


  1. haha too funny! Communication is key in so many ways but this is a reminder how even the smallest things require communication.

    Can't wait to come visit!

  2. Update....that same situation has happened a couple times since then. Still working on domesticity.
